The Chen Research Group

Nanostructured Multimetals and Hybrid Materials

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Jingyi Chen, PhD
Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of Arkansas

Office: CHEM 245
Voice: (479) 575-6203

ORCID: 0000-0003-0012-9640

Our research program focuses on rational design and synthesis of functional materials towards optimal properties and performance for energy conversion, tribology, and human-health applications.



- Ryan Manso co-authored a paper in ACS Omega on chemical structure of Fe-Ni nanoparticles for efficient oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysis.
- Dr. Chen co-authored a paper in Scientific Reports on the bacterial length oscillation of Escherichia coli caused by silver ions.
- Zaheer Siddiqui successfully defended his honors thesis and received his chemistry B.S. degree with honors in May. Congratulations!
- Stephanie Oyibo successfully defended her honors thesis and received her chemistry B.S. degree with honors in May. Congratulations!
- Tengjiao Wang first-authored and published his collaborative work in Advanced Therapeutics on the biocompatible, injectable anionic hydrogels based on poly(oligo ethylene glycol monoacrylate-co-acrylic acid) for protein delivery.
- Isabelle Niyonshuti co-first-authored and published her collaborative work in Nanotechnology on the nanoscale reorganizations of histone-like nucleoid structuring protein in Escherichia coli caused by silver nanoparticles.
- Dr. Chen co-corresponded and published her collaborative work with BNL in J. Am. Chem. Soc. on the direct 12-electron oxidation of ethanol on ternary Au(core)-PtIr(shell) electrocatalyst.
- Brayley Gattis successfully defended her honors thesis and received her chemistry B.S. degree with honors in May. She received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and will start her graduate school journey at the Northwestern University in the fall. Congratulations!
- Dhruba Dasqupta successfully defended his honors thesis and received his chemistry B.S. degree with honors in May. Congratulations! He will start her new journey as a MD student at UAMS in the fall. Congratulations!
- Dr. Chen delivered an invited lecture at the Materials McElvain Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison on April 18.
- Ryan Manso published his work in Nanoscale on controlling the 3-D morphology of Ni-Fe-based nanocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction.
- Shutang Chen published his work in Catalysts on Pt-Ni seed-core-frame hierarchical nanostructures and their conversion to nanoframes for enhanced methanol electro-oxidation.
- Welcome Deborah Okyere to the group!

- Dr. Chen was named Arkansas Research Alliance Fellow.
- Dr. Chen received an NSF grant with Dr. Yong Wang to study the antimicrobial mechanism of silver nanoparticles by super-resolution microscopy.
- Leanne Mathurin and Ryan Manso co-authored a paper in Appl. Phys. Lett. on probing the pathway of an ultrafast structural phase transition to illuminate the transition mechanism in Cu2S.
- Ryan Manso published his work in ECS Transactions on CuPt and CuPtRu nanostructures for the ammonia oxidation reaction.
- Tengjiao Wang accepted an associate professor position at Northwestern Polytechical University in China. He started his new independent research journey in July. Congratulations!
- Welcome Noah Haugen and Alyssa Hardy-Russell to the group!
- Leanne Mathurin published her work in Particle & Partical Systems Characterization on tailoring the surface structures of CuPt and CuPtRu 1D nanostructures by coupling coreduction with galvanice replacement.
- Tengjiao Wang co-authored a paper on our contineous collaboration with Dr. Smeltzer at UAMS in Int. J. Hyperthermia on developing targeted antibiotic-loaded gold nanoconstructs for treatment of biofilm-associated bacterial infections.
- Brayley Gattis received the State Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for her research project. Congratulations!
- Leanne Mathurin published in her award-winning poster work in ChemNanoMat on dendritic core-frame and frame Multimetallic rhombic dodecahedra for electrocatalysis of methanol oxidation.

- Riku Imamura, Isabelle Niyonshuti and Leanne Mathurin co-authored a paper in RSC Advances on an experiment-based model quantifying antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles on Escherichia coli.
- Brayley Gattis received honorable mention on her poster, "Photothermally Controlled Release of Ceftaroline Fosamil using Polydopamine-Coated Gold Nanocages," presented at the INBRE meeting on October 28, 2017. Congratulations!
- Welcome Kehinde Olubajo to the group!
- A collaborative work with BNL, "Reversible structure manipulation by tuning carrier concentration in metastable Cu2S," was published on PNAS.
- Welcome Ryan Manso to the group! Congratulations to Ryan Manso being selected to award the very first George Blyholder Fellowship in Physical Chemistry of the Department!
- Dr. Chen received an NSF grant with Dr. Greenlee to study the non-precious metal nanocatalysts for electrochemical reactions of ammonia synthesis and water splitting.
- Nazar Orishchin published his REU work in the Chen group on Langmuir about rapid deposition of uniform polydopamine coating on nanoparticle surface.
- Leanne Mathurin and Cameron Crane successfully defended April 26 and received their Ph.D. in Chemistry in May. Congratulations!!! They both start their new advanture as postdoctral fellows at the east coast.
- Brayley Gattis and Stephanie Oyibo received the Honors Research Grant for their research projects. Congratulations!
- Dr. Chen recieved the Master Researcher Award from J. William Fulbright College of Art and Science, UA.
- Cameron Crane published his second paper on J. Phys. Chem. C on synthesis of copper-silica core-shell structure with sharp and stable localized surface plasmon resonance.
- Zaheer Siddiqui and Quinten Johnson received the Honors Research Grant for their research projects. Congratulations!
