Contact Us:Jingyi Chen, PhD Office: CHEM 242
Positions Open for Graduate Students |
- Dhruba Dasgupta received the State Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) for his research project. Congratulations!
- Welcome graduate student Isabelle Niyonshuti to the group!
- Savannah Ullrich successfully defended her honors thesis on November 9. She will receive her B.S. with honors in December. Congratulations!
- Welcome Luke Galuska to the group!
- We are organizing a symposium (ED14: Molecular and Colloidal Plasmonics: Synthesis and Applications) at 2017 MRS Spring Meeting, April 17-21, Phoenix, Arizona. Abstract submission: September 13-October 13, 2016.
- Welcome Dr. Tengjiao Wang to the group!
- Cameron Crane starts his part-time research engineer journey at SurfTec, LLC. Congratulations!
- Welcomen Riku Imamura and Ryan Manso to the group!
- Leane Mathurin co-aruthored the paper published on Tribology International about the use of PDA-Cu nanoparticles for friction and wear reduction in tribology applications.
- Welcome REU student Nazar Orishchin from Minnesota State University to the group!
- Leanne Mathurin won 2nd place of the poster awards at the 229th ECS meeting, San Diego, CA. The title of her poster is "Electrochemical Study of Trimetallic Nanostructures for Methanol Oxidation." Congratulations!
- Dr. Chen received funds as co-PI from NSF on fabrication of wear-resistant thin PTFE coating.
- Emily Miller successfully defended her honors thesis on April 6 and received her B.S. with honors in May. Congratulations! She will start her new journey as a MD student at UAMS in the fall.
- Emily Miller received "Honorable Mention" in the poster competition of 2016 ASME NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology, Houston, TX. The title of her poster is "Engineering Gold Nanostructures for Targeted Delivery and Controlled Release of Antibiotics." Congratulations!
- Welcome undergraduate students Brayley Gattis, Stephanie Oyibo, Dhruba Dasqupta, and Quinten Johnson to the group!
- Samir Jenkins published his eight paper on ACS Infect. Dis. on synergistic photothermal and antibiotic killing of staphylococcus aureus. This work was highlighted in an editorial article on Nanomedicine. To know more about bioflim, please visit our collaborator Professor Mark Smeltzer of Microbiology and Immunology at UAMS.
- Cameron Crane co-aruthored the paper published on J. Phys. Chem. C about electrochemically dealloying of Au-Cu alloys.
- Samir Jenkins published his seven paper on J. Colloid & Interface Sci. on the interactions between porphyrin-containing photosensitizers and polymer-coated nanoparticles.
- Dr. Chen won non-pilot award from Arkansas Breast Cancer Research Program.
- Dr. Chen received funds as co-I from NSF ESPCoR program.
- Haibin Wu successfully defended his M.S. thesis on June 29. Congratulations! He will move to UCSD in the fall.
- Samir Jenkins successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation on June 16. Congratulations! He will join Dr. Robert Griffin as a postdoctoral fellow at UAMS on cancer research.
- Leanne Mathurin co-aruthored the paper published on Tribology Lett. about the use of Cu nanoparticles for friction and wear reduction in tribology applications.
- Samir Jenkins published his sixth paper on Tetrahedron Lett. about ligand effects on heterogeneous catalysis of nanocatalysts for aqueous organic reactions.
- Samir Jenkins published his fifth paper on J. Chem. Ed. along with two undergraduates Taylor Gohman and Emily Miller on synthesis of hollow alloyed nanoparticles using galvanice replacement reaction.
- Samir Jenkins co-authored the paper published on RSC Advances on photothermal response of free standing multilayered films using plasmonic bimetallic nanocage.
- Samir Jenkins published his fourth paper on Biomaterials on development of rapid methodology to monitor nanoparticle status in the blood.
- Emily Miller received the State Undergraduate Research Fellowship to work on polymer-wrapped nanoparticles for drug delivery. Congratulations!
- Cameron Crane published his first paper on J. Phys. Chem. C on development of a mask-assisted seeded growth method to synthesize segmented metallic heteronanostructures.
- Dr. Chen won the Women's Giving Circle Award at the UA.
- Christopher Sweeney was sponsored by Summer Student Research Program to conduct research at the National Center for Toxicology Research of the FDA.
- Welcome REU student Portia Hahn Leat from Missouri Western State University to the group!
- Taylor Gohman successfully defended his honors thesis and received his B.S. with honors in May. Congratulations! He will attend KU School of Medicine in the fall.
- Samir Jenkins co-first authored two papers: one on Theranostics on delivery of photosensitizer by gold nanostructures and the other on Nanomedicine on nonionizing photoacoustic cystography using near-infrared absorbing gold nanostructures as optical-opaque tracers.
- Shutang Chen moved to University of Connecticut as postdoctoral fellow in January.
- Welcome undergraduate Savannah Ullrich to the group!
- Samir Jenkins was sponsored by Summer Student Research Program to conduct research at the National Center for Toxicology Research of the FDA.
- Eric Taylor published his first paper on ChemSusChem on synthesis of Cu-Pt nanodendrites for enhanced electro-oxidation of methanol.
- Eric Taylor successfully defended his thesis and received his M.S. of Chemistry in August. Congratulations!
- Shutang Chen published his second paper on J. Phys. Chem.C on synthesis of Cu-based nanorods which possess tunable optical properties from visible to near-infrared regions and shows structure-sensitive catalytic properties.
- Welcome graduate student Haibin Wu and undergraduate Emily Miller to the group!
- Taylor Gohman received the research grant from the Honors College to work on drug delivery of hydrophilic molecules.
- Shutang Chen published his first paper on J. Phys. Chem. C on synthesis of Pd-Fe3O4 hybrid nanoparticles which show enhanced catalytic activity in CO oxidation.
- Dr. Chen was named a Fulbright College Connor Faculty Fellow at the UA.
- Kimberly Reynolds successfully defended her honors thesis and received her B.S. of Biochemistry with honors in May. She will attend UAMS in the fall.
- Welcome graduate student Cameron Crane and undergradue Taylor Gohman to the group!
- Kimberly Reynolds received the State Undergraduate Research Fellowship to work on drug delivery of photosensitizers. Congratulations!
- Welcome REU students Jonathan Janzen from Northeastern State University and Sweta Shrestha from Cemaron University to the group!
- Welcome undergradute Kimberly Reynolds to the group!
- Dr. Chen received the Ralph E. Powe Jr. Faculty Enhancement Award from ORAU.
- Welcome graduate students Samir Jenkins, Eric Taylor, and Leanne Mathruin to the group!
- The Chen Group was established in August.